March Video of the Month
Spring is almost here! The earth is coming back to life with flowers blooming and trees showing new green leaves. While our thoughts are of new life, let’s also remember the time when we who are Christians will be resurrected with a new body and a new life! Please enjoy this a cappella version of the song “I’ll Have a New Life” by the bluegrass group Southern Raised.
Latest Sermon
Spring Retreat for Senior Adults/Legacy Conference – March 10-12
Details have been announced for the Tennessee State Free Will Baptist Legacy Conference, a Spring Retreat for Senior Adults. The retreat will be held from March 10-12, 2025, again at the historic General Morgan Inn located in Greeneville, TN. This year’s special speaker will be Rev. Glenn Poston, former director of the Tennessee State Association of FWB and currently pastor of Corner Stone Church in Murfreesboro. Rev. Jon Forrest will be providing special entertainment; he is a veteran youth pastor, having served Bethel Church in Ashland City for 30 years.
Tickets for the entire conference are $79.95 per person and include the conference, a full breakfast on both mornings, and a delicious dessert each night. This does NOT include lodging at the hotel. To register for the conference, or to learn more details, go to the conference web page here. If you wish to make hotel reservations, you will need to contact the General Morgan Inn directly; the phone number and website link are on the conference web page. You may also opt to drive from home to Greeneville each day; it’s only about an hour away from Kingsport.
Tennessee ECHO Newsletter Going All-Digital
The ECHO newsletter from the Tennessee State Association of Free Will Baptists is going all-digital in 2025. Due to the ever-increasing cost of printing and mailing, the Association has decided to discontinue the printed copies. If you want to continue receiving, or begin receiving, the ECHO publication, you will need to sign up for email and/or text messages on the TNFWB’s Flocknote system by going to or you may scan the QR code below with your cellphone camera.
Winter Weather Reminder
As a reminder, all last-minute service changes due to bad weather (or any other last-minute reason) are communicated via the One Call Now telephone system. (This is the same system we use to relay prayer requests.) If you are not receiving the messages from One Call Now and need to be added to the list, please contact Pastor Josh.
Please also note that if you need to hear a message again, or if you think you may have missed a call, you may dial 1-877-698-3261 and follow the instructions to hear one or more recent messages. This phone number is also listed on our Schedule Changes page.
Welcome New Pastor Rev. Josh McKinney!
Fellowship Church would like to extend a warm welcome to our new pastor, Rev. Josh McKinney. Pastor Josh grew up in our church and eventually felt the call to ministry. He left us to become pastor at another church, where he served faithfully for the past nine years. Now he is coming home to lead us here at Fellowship! We are excited to have him back and are looking forward to seeing how the Lord will use Josh as he leads us!
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