We will be celebrating our church’s 75th anniversary during our annual homecoming service this year!  The service will be on October 27 at our normal service times, with a special Sunday school service at 9:30 a.m. and a special worship service at 10:30 a.m.


During the Sunday school hour at 9:30, our Free Will Baptist Tennessee state director, Rev. Chris Dotson, will be speaking to our adult classes about “The History and Ministry of Tennessee Free Will Baptists.  All of our adults will be in one combined class for this special presentation.


For our 10:30 a.m. worship service, we will be having Rev. Steve Lytle preaching for us.  Brother Lytle is a former Free Will Baptist missionary.  He and his family were a part of our church many years ago, when he and his family lived in our mission house during a stateside term.  We are excited to have him and his wife Judy back for this special service!  Also during the service, our own Pastor Josh McKinney will be singing and providing us with some special music.


After the service, we will be having a meal and fellowship time in the activities building.  Our church will be providing a selection of meats as well as bread and drinks.  Everyone attending is asked to please bring a side dish or dessert.  If you can, please sign up on the sheet in the church foyer and let us know what you plan to bring.  This will be a delicious meal and a fun time together!