Kidsfest 2019

Kidsfest 2019


Kidsfest was a new event we had this year instead of Vacation Bible School.  We had it on June 21-22, on Friday evening and Saturday morning/early afternoon.  Everyone had a great time!  There were games, food, fun, music, and a special speaker.  Pictures were made on Friday evening so you can see some of the things the kids were able to enjoy. 


These thumbnails do not show the full pictures; you will need to click on the thumbnail for a popup view of the full image.  This will also allow you to scroll through the pictures as a slideshow, but only the ones on that page.  You will need to visit each of the five pages of pictures to view them all.  However, you can click the “show slideshow” link to view the automatic slideshow embedded in the page, and it will go through the entire photo album.  If the slideshow is a little slow to load, please be patient; there are several pictures, so it could take a little time depending on your internet connection.